Do you take insurance?

All of our support groups and programs are FREE or available to everyone regardless of ability to pay, so there is no need to worry about insurance.


Can I schedule an individual therapy session?

The Collective for Hope does not offer any therapy services or individual sessions at this time. If you are interested in therapy, we’d be happy to provide you with our list of therapists/counselors who are trained in grief support and who have worked well for our families in the past.

Do you provide services for those who do not speak English or who are hearing impaired?

As long as we know in advance that someone will be attending a program who needs assistance, we will make every effort to arrange for an interpreter to be with him or her in the support groups or at our day camps. We are always looking for multi-lingual facilitators, so let us know if you or someone you know would be interested in sharing this important skill! We also run bilingual (Spanish language) support groups, when registration demands. 

Can I drop my children off at the programs?

Adult caregivers are required to attend concurrent adult support groups while their children under the age of 13 are participating in their own; adults are further encouraged to attend concurrent support groups while their children ages 13+ participate in our teen programs. During family day camps such as Tinsel & Tears, the adults and children work together on a variety of activities to remember the person they are grieving. At our support groups, adults who attend with their children are in a group of their very own to process their feelings, connect with other adults raising grieving children and teens, and learn some tools to support their kids outside of The Collective for Hope programs. We do have quarterly drop-off events for youth ages 10-18 as well as Creative Nights with Band of the Strong.

Can I bring my children who aren’t old enough for groups? Even if they stay with me?

Children younger than three are not eligible to participate in our programs, nor do we currently provide any childcare during sessions. Due to the nature of our programs, it can be distracting to both you and the other group members to have an infant or young child present during the group sessions, and it often deters members from the focus of the program. We do encourage families with young children to return to our programs when the children become three or older, so that they can also benefit from our programs.

How do people find out about Grief’s Journey, HEALing Embrace, and Ted E. Bear Hollow?

There are a number of wonderful organizations throughout the area that refer grieving families, including: schools, hospitals, hospices, funeral homes and counseling offices. However, a number of individuals and families also find out about us through word of mouth from volunteers or other families that have been involved in our programs.

What are the qualifications of the people running the groups?

Our volunteer group facilitators come from a variety of backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common – a desire to help grieving children, teens and adults. All The Collective for Hope support group facilitators must complete our 20-hour “Grief Facilitator Training” and pass a CPS/APS background check.

If your programs are free, how are you funded?

Our primary sources of funding are individual & family donations, local foundation grants, and corporate gifts. We’d love to let you know how to support our work, so visit the “Donate Now” section of our website, or contact us.

Are you affiliated with Ted Baer?

Nope, but we understand the common misperception. One of our co-founders had an uncle with a similar name, and she thought it would be a warm and friendly name for an organization that supports children. 

How do I enroll myself or my family?

Feel free to utilize the registration links throughout this website, or phone us at 402-502-2773. There’s no fee to attend, but we do require pre-registration.